Tuesday, September 18, 2018

#5: Honey Weizen (take two)

Northern Brewer Honey Weizen (with some creative liberties taken)

6 lb Wheat malt syrup (I think we used Bavarian wheat)

Other Ingredients:
1 lb raw filtered honey (local)

1 oz German Tettnang pellets

Wyeast 1010 American Wheat Yeast

Priming Sugar:
5.5 oz corn sugar

Batch Size/Yield:
30ish Grolsch style bottles

Original Gravity:
NR (1.048 expected)

Final Gravity:

Alcohol Content:

Primary Fermentation/Time:
6 gallon glass carboy/3-4 weeks (guess who forgot to rack to secondary again)

Conditioning Time:
12-14 days (we couldn't wait!)

Tasting Notes:
YOU GUYS. We did it. A beer without the "homebrew tang." We were suuuuuper careful adding the malt extract; I added about half the dry extract at the beginning of the boil and stirred like crazy, then let it boil for 30 minutes and added the other half. There was no extract residue at the bottom of the pot this time, and no scorching! We also used a better yeast, which I adored. Better water, better fermentation chamber, better priming sugar (actually calculated the amount and used almost twice as much as the recipe said), better bottles, better beer! This one is super drinkable with no off flavors. I know I'm gushing, but...this is the best one yet. Fresh, not too sweet but almost no bitterness, and pairs perfectly with a good pepperoni pizza. I can't wait to use what we've learned for our next batch!

Next Up:
Red Yum Amber Ale (and kegging!)

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