Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Intro: Our hombrewing adventure!

In the quintessential homebrew guide How to Brew, author John Palmer recommends keeping brewing notes for each beer. What ingredients we used, how long we fermented, specific gravity measurements, and tasting notes are all important parts of the brewing process. As Adam Savage (and probably someone else) said, "the only difference between science and screwing around is writing it down." So, instead of tracking down a notebook and trying to decipher my (or my husband's) handwriting, I'm going to keep a homebrew notes blog! (As if I don't have enough blogs already...)

I like to read other people's accounts of brewing as well. Some are so far beyond our skill level right now it just seems like a foreign language (Yeast flocculation? RO water?), but I can usually glean some good tips. And some good stories - like the guy whose cat jumped into his full fermenting bucket, and he still finished bottling the beer.

We are hoping to get good enough at this to open our own brewery someday. I won't tell you the name we have in mind, but we're down to choosing between a nerdy pun and an optometry pun. So keep an eye out! Until then, we'll keep brewing 5 gallons at a time and I'll keep writing about it. Thanks for reading!

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