Wednesday, May 3, 2017

#1: Oatmeal Stout

Oatmeal Stout Extract Beer Kit from Midwest Supplies

6 lbs Dark LME
8 oz Rolled Oats
4 oz Chocolate Malt
4 oz Roasted Barley

1 oz Fuggles (60 min)

Safale S-04 dry yeast

Priming Sugar:
5 oz corn sugar

Batch Size/Yield:
5 gal/3.5 gal (38 12-oz bottles)

Original Gravity:
NR (forgot to measure it - it was our first batch, after all!)

Final Gravity:

Alcohol Content:
Unknown (est. 3.9%)

Primary Fermentation/Time:
5 gal plastic fermenting bucket/21 days (we weren't sure it had fermented, and we got busy, so it went an extra week past the recipe)

Conditioning Time:
14 days

Tasting Notes:
A little on the light-tasting side for a stout, it still had a great dark color and a balanced malty/bitterness. Not too sweet, good sense of oatmeal. I'm not sure I would brew this exact recipe again, but I do like oatmeal stouts. My goal is to find a heavier, richer version. Our friends could drink it, so it was a successful first attempt!

Look at that great stout color!

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