Wednesday, May 3, 2017

#2: Amber Ale

Block Party Amber Ale Kit from Northern Brewer (adjusted for grain availability from local shop)

6 lbs Gold malt syrup
0.5 lbs Crystal Malt
0.125 lbs Briess
0.125 lbs Light Roasted Barley

1 oz Willamette (60 min)

Safale S-04 dry yeast

Priming Sugar:
5 oz corn sugar

Batch Size/Yield:
5 gal/4.5 gal (48 12-oz bottles) (we got better at controlling trub and other volume loss)

Original Gravity:

Final Gravity:

Alcohol Content:

Primary Fermentation/Time:
5 gal plastic fermenting bucket/15 days

Conditioning Time:
14 days

Tasting Notes:
This is a very drinkable beer..we went through seven of them on the first night we tasted it! It still has a barely noticeable sour taste, which our oatmeal stout had too. Not sure if it's the yeast, or our sanitation, or other contaminant. Good amber color, maybe a little dark due to the grain substitutions we made. Perfectly balanced sweetness/maltiness/hoppiness. Not a huge "wow" flavor, but perfect for someone who wants a smooth, clean beer. We are absolutely going to share this with more people.

I think we might start brewing in 22-oz bottles to fill up a pint glass!

Next Up:
Honey Weizen

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