Sunday, October 1, 2017

#3: Honey Weizen

Honey Weizen Extract Kit from Northern Brewer

6 lb Briess Bavarian Wheat liquid malt extract

1 lb raw honey (local!)

1 oz German Tettnang

Safale WB-06 dry yeast (we may have substituted S-04; I did not take good notes this time)

Priming Sugar:
2/3 c corn sugar

Batch Size/Yield:
5 gallons/4.5 gallons (46 12-oz bottles)

Original Gravity:

Final Gravity:

Alcohol Content:

Primary Fermentation/Time:
5 gallon fermenting bucket/14 days

Secondary Fermentation/Time:
6 gallon glass carboy/14 days

Conditioning Time:
12 days

Tasting Notes:
This beer ended up quite dark for a wheat beer, and didn't have the light, crisp taste we were expecting. It is smooth and mild, but nothing about it really stands out. We will be making another batch in the future, using a different wheat extract and a different yeast. I've done some research, and S-04 has a tendency to produce off flavors (which may be why we've noticed that tart taste in every beer so far)! That being said, this batch is drinkable and pairs well with grilled hamburgers, so we called it a semi-success.

Does this look like a wheat beer??
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